Scottish teachers begin 16-day wave of rolling strikes

Teachers are launching a fresh wave of rolling strikes across Scotland as a union leader warned there was no end in sight to the current pay dispute.

Over the next 16 days the action will affect two local authorities a day, starting on Monday with Glasgow and East Lothian. The Educational Institute of Scotland last week announced it would be followed by 22 extra days of strikes.

Ministers and councils have said a requested 10% pay rise is unaffordable. The current 5% offer includes rises of up to 6.85% for the lowest-paid staff. On Friday Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said she remained committed to a “fair and sustainable pay deal”.

Any new offer would need to be agreed by all 32 council leaders but they are not due to meet until the end of next week.

Last week, strikes closed almost every primary school in Scotland on Tuesday, and every secondary school on Wednesday. Preliminary exams due to take place also had to be rescheduled for some pupils. The strikes also saw all four unions representing teachers and headteachers walk out together for the first time.

Members of the EIS, Scotland’s largest teaching union, the NASUWT, Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) and the Association of Headteachers and Deputes (AHDS) unions were involved.

Source: BBC

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