Zanu PF in control of the parliament thanks to Sengezo Tshabangu

Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF, has strengthened its grip on the National Assembly with a two-thirds majority, following victories in six constituencies during Saturday’s by-elections. These elections were triggered by Sengezo Tshabangu, the self-appointed interim secretary general of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Sengezo Tshabangu

With 280 seats in the National Assembly, Zanu PF now holds 190, surpassing the 187 seats needed for a two-thirds majority. The ruling party secured victories in the constituencies of Chegutu West, Seke, Goromonzi South, Mkoba North, Pelandaba-Tshabalala, and Zvimba East, as confirmed by Mr Utloile Silaigwana, the Chief Elections Officer of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

Mr Silaigwana stated, “I can confirm that the ruling Zanu PF party won all the six constituencies where by-elections were held. The party also won 20 of the 23 Wards that were contested while three were won by the opposition.”

Mike Bimha speaks about Zanu PF victory

The Zanu PF Political Commissar, Mike Bimha, attributed the victory to the party’s consistent focus on governance and economic performance. Bimha praised his President Emerson Mnangagwa for his leadership and the party’s organisational structure, claiming that Zanu PF’s unity and clarity of purpose played a pivotal role in the electoral success.

Bimha expressed, “The President has managed to unify the party, to unify the various parts of the country, and this is against the confusion that you see in other parties. His leadership has been very exemplary; his leadership has also assisted in people having a view that this is a part of the moment, this is a part of the future.”

Moreover, Bimha highlighted the party’s resilience in facing external challenges, including sanctions, and asserted that the Zanu-PF government’s performance contributed to its victory.

He emphasised that the ruling party remained well-prepared for any future elections. Critics argue that Sengezo Tshabangu’s CCC played a role in facilitating Zanu PF’s dominance by initiating these by-elections, leading to recalls and subsequent victories for the ruling party.

Tshabangu’s move raised questions about the CCC’s internal stability and ability to present a viable alternative to Zanu PF. Political analyst Mr Goodwine Mureriwa noted, “Zanu PF’s sweeping victory was predictable and added more critical seats to those it won in the August 23, 2023, harmonised elections and December 9, 2023, by-elections.”

Mureriwa underscored the unity within Zanu PF and suggested that the party’s increased majority signified a robust foundation for implementing its development agenda, including Vision 2030. As Zanu PF celebrates its electoral triumph, Zimbabwe anticipates the political implications of this resounding victory in shaping the nation’s legislative landscape.

Source: Zimeye

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