South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa has strongly condemned any form of anti-foreigner sentiments within his country, which often result in violence and harm to foreign nationals. In his weekly letter addressing the issues leading to the formation of the Border Management Agency, President Ramaphosa acknowledged that South Africa’s border and immigration matters have historical and contemporary dimensions.
He highlighted recent incidents of anti-foreigner sentiment resulting in violence and harassment and emphasized the importance of unequivocally condemning all acts of violence against foreign nationals, irrespective of their immigration status. He called for collective efforts to prevent such acts.
President Ramaphosa underscored the warm and fraternal relations between Zimbabwe and South Africa, noting that he and President Mnangagwa recently met in Beitbridge to discuss various matters.
He acknowledged that South Africa, as the region’s economic powerhouse, attracts interest from many, but this should not lead to friction. President Ramaphosa also mentioned the colonial origins of the borders that separate African countries, created during the Berlin Conference in 1884-85, which divided kin and kin.
Regarding South Africa’s own actions, he pointed out that the apartheid regime was responsible for breaching the borders of neighboring countries, leading to insecurity. The apartheid regime abused immigration measures to target its opponents and implemented policies such as influx control and labor exploitation from the region.
After the democratic government came to power in 1994, it became a priority to reform the border management and migration regime to align with the values of the new state, with the aim of promoting economic growth and development.
Six countries share borders with South Africa: Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, eSwatini, and Mozambique. South Africa is the largest economy in the region.
In other news – Jada Pinkett Smith reveals she’s been secretly separated from Will Smith for seven years
Hollywood star Will Smith has been secretly separated from his wife Jada Pinkett Smith for seven years, she has revealed. The state of their turbulent relationship has now been made public by Jada, who said they are still trying to “figure out” what the future of their marriage looks like. She admitted that they have been separated since 2016.
Jada explained that they had even been living separately when Will famously slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars last year. Will, now 54, confronted comedian Chris, now 58, during the live broadcast of the awards ceremony over a joke that had been made about his wife’s alopecia. Read More