Palace officials determined to stop Harry and Meghan’s international tours

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s recent three-day visit to Nigeria has sparked concerns within the Royal Family, as the couple’s trip mirrored ‘an official royal tour.’

While the Royal family cannot stop the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from their future private overseas visits, they might do something to prevent these ‘quasi-royal tours,’ an expert suggested.

Speaking with The Express, royal expert Tom Skyes claimed that the Palace officials might apply diplomatic pressure on friendly states to not host these faux-Royal trips.

“Everywhere they went in Nigeria they were greeted as royalty,” Skyes said of Harry and Meghan. “The royals can’t stop them doing more tours.”

“But the government might seek to apply serious diplomatic pressure on friendly states not to host these quasi-royal tours,” the expert added.

Meanwhile, he noted that the California-based Royal couple, who stepped down as working royals in 2020, “are effectively declaring that they will continue to leverage their royal status

Source: People

In other news – Rishi Sunak announces 4 July general election

Rishi Sunak has called a surprise early election for 4 July in a contest that will see Keir Starmer try to take power for Labour after 14 years of Conservative-led government.

The prime minister announced the election would be in the early summer, in a high-risk move for the Conservative party as it trails 20 points behind Labour in the polls. Read more

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