
Meghan Markle Describes Her Life in the UK as Unpleasant Experience

Experts have just started to reminisce on Meghan Markle’s time in the UK given her admissions about ‘not wanting to live anymore’ following the birth of her son. As well as the shocking admission about Meghan feeling like her engagement interview was an “orchestrated reality show” that she didn’t know what to make out of.

For those unversed, these claims by Meghan were made in her 2022 docu-series, and were pointed towards, Mishal Husain, a BBC presenter.

To Ms Daniela Elser, who recently wrote an entire piece for about this, “One thing that seems glaringly obvious from this distance is how inadequately the Suits star was prepared for what lay ahead of her.”

And what makes it worse is “watching the 20 minute sit-down today” because it “makes for discomfiting viewing, given that we know that that joyful, bubbly duo is going to soon crash into one of the most traumatic chapters of their adult lives.”

Even in the video it was clear to audiences, based on past admissions, that “less than two years later, the duchess would be suffering suicidal ideation and, as she later told Oprah Winfrey, ‘didn’t want to be alive any more’.”

In the eyes of Ms Elser, “That admission has a certain haunting ring to it.” Because “did Meghan – or could anyone really – truly know what they were ‘letting themselves in for’?”

All in all, “Working royal life might feature the occasional gold carriage and enough diamonds to stock a Graff outpost, but much of it looks a bit crap.”

With its “Endless handshaking, charming, smiling, posing, small talk making, more charming, more smiling, and more discussing the weather with sweating regional Lord-Lieutenants.”

Before concluding she also added, “Sure, there is plenty of adulation, but that is interspersed with what looks like a very particular form of highly-scrutinised, polite drudgery.

Source: People

In other news – Janet Jackson reveals she had no say in launching her music career at just age 9

Janet Jackson revealed that her consent was not involved when she first started her singing career at the age of 9.

Janet Jackson

The 58-year-old Grammy winner appeared in a recent interview with BBC and looked back at a time when her father Joe Jackson decided that Janet would be a singer. Janet explained that she did not have a say in the matter. Read more

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