
Kate Middleton making the picture even more dire with her cancer

Kate Middleton appears to have been making the future of the monarchy even more unclear with her cancer diagnosis. Royal commentator Daniela Elser issued all these sentiments in regards to Kate Middleton and her battle with cancer.

According to Ms Elser, “The death of the late Queen represented a pivot point for the royal family to recast and refashion the monarchy for a new generation and century.

Not to mention, “This should be a moment when Crown Inc, having come through the other side of years of tumult and eyebrow-singing TV interviews and loss, should be relaunching themselves with vim and vigour and most importantly vision.

Kate Middleton

But “instead, in the battle for hearts and minds the palace needs to be waging to solidify public support, they seem permanently on the back foot. And “Sykes’ revelations, that Kate is possibly out of the picture until 2025, makes this picture even more dire.”

“But lord, who knows. The way 2024 is going, we can’t discount any possibility or scenario, no matter how…oh no, here it comes…extraordinary it might sound,” she also added before signing off in her piece.

Source: People

In other news – King Charles takes the final decision about Harry and Meghan’s royal titles

King Charles has reportedly decided not to remove Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal titles as he does not want them to play “victim” anymore. According to royal author and expert, Tom Quinn, the monarch had “have had lengthy discussions about stripping Meghan and Harry of their royal titles” with Prince William.

King Charles

Now, another royal commentator and expert, Ingrid Seward, has claimed that Harry and Meghan’s Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles are. Read more

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