Job Listings

10 Overseas Jobs That Require No Experience: A Comprehensive Guide for Relocation!

10 Overseas Jobs That Require No Experience: A Comprehensive Guide for Relocation!

Working abroad is a great way to explore new cultures while also gaining work experience. There are a variety of overseas jobs you can pursue with no experience that allow you to travel to new places and enhance your professionalism. By reviewing the types of overseas jobs you can apply to without experience, you can narrow your job search and take the next step to work abroad.

In this article, we define what we mean by overseas jobs that require no experience and provide a list of potential job options with salary expectations and job responsibilities.


What are overseas jobs that require no experience?

Overseas jobs that require no experience refer to any job that a person can apply to without having a college degree, or while currently enrolled in a college degree program. Sometimes overseas jobs allow applicants without a high school diploma. These jobs may require new employees to complete onsite job training in order to succeed in their roles. International corporations and working abroad programs typically provide work opportunities for Americans who want to travel overseas while gaining valuable work experience.

10 overseas jobs that require no experience

Review these types of jobs you can get overseas that require no prior experience with salary expectations and job details. It’s important to note that the salary expectations listed reflect U.S. salary estimates and may differ from another country’s average salary expectations for the same occupations.

1. Hotel breakfast attendant

National average salary: $24,477 per year

Primary duties: Hotel breakfast attendants work for hotels and resorts as part of the food services team. They set up buffet tables in the hotel dining area and make trips from the kitchen to the dining room with breakfast buffet items. Breakfast attendants also layout buffet trays with baked goods, fresh-made eggs, fruit and other popular breakfast dishes for hotel guests to self-serve. Throughout the breakfast service, breakfast attendants monitor buffet stations, answer guest questions and restock buffet tables with fresh food before they run out.

Typically, breakfast attendants need a high school diploma to qualify, but this may differ depending on the employer.

2. Tour guide

National average salary: $28,873 per year

Primary duties: Tour guide jobs are a great way for individuals to travel and work abroad. Typically, those wanting to pursue tour guide positions in another country should look for opportunities through English-speaking tour companies. Once there, prospective tour guides need to learn about the area they plan to work in before being able to lead tour groups.

3. Event planning intern

National average salary: $33,121 per year

Primary duties: There are a variety of different festivals and cultural events that take place in foreign countries and tourism hotspots. Event planning companies may need to hire interns or volunteers to assist with clerical work, marketing initiatives, event bookings and set-up or clean-up efforts. There typically aren’t requirements for event planning interns, however some employers may prefer candidates with a high school diploma or candidates currently enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program.

4. Landscape laborer

National average salary: $33,979 per year

Primary duties: Landscape laborers work for landscaping companies or as a part of a landscaping team for private properties. They prune trees and shrubs, mulch garden beds, mow lawns, dig holes and assist with laying pathways and making repairs as needed. To work as a landscape laborer, candidates typically have a high school diploma.

5. Hotel housekeeper

National average salary: $34,594 per year

Primary duties: Hotel housekeepers have a responsibility to carryout cleaning activities like vacuuming and mopping floors, changing bed linens, sanitizing restrooms and dusting surfaces. They may also assist guests by taking room services trays back to the kitchen after meals. When working as a hotel housekeeper abroad, individuals may have the opportunity to work for cruise liners, hotels in major tourist cities or smaller Inns in remote areas. Some hotel housekeepers have high school diplomas, but it’s not a requirement.

6. Server

National average salary: $35,037 per year

Primary duties: For those looking to work abroad without needing experience, they can pursue work as a server for a restaurant. In foreign countries, hotels and independent restaurant establishments may hire English-speaking servers to appeal to English-speaking tourists. Servers greet restaurant patrons, take food orders and bring patrons their food orders from the kitchen. They also refill drinks and answer questions about menu items. Depending on employer preferences, servers may or may not need a high school diploma.

7. Hotel front desk clerk

National average salary: $35,100 per year

Primary duties: Hotel front desk clerks assist guests with checking in and out of their rooms. They also provide them with room keys and tell them about hotel amenities. Hotel chains with locations in foreign countries may hire English-speaking desk clerks to communicate effectively with English-speaking guests. Hotel front desk clerks usually only need a high school diploma to qualify for their roles.

8. Nanny

National average salary: $42,486 per year

Primary duties: Nanny positions in different countries give individuals the chance to travel and experience a different culture while also helping parents take care of their children. For those who want to pursue nanny jobs abroad, they should look for opportunities through international nanny services and other credible sources.

9. Farmhand

National average salary: $47,174 per year

Primary duties: Farmhands assist with a range of farm jobs to support farmers on a daily basis. Farmers in foreign countries may offer work opportunities to those looking to work abroad with little to no experience. Typical job duties for farmhands include feeding livestock, spraying pesticides, spreading fertilizer or operating farm equipment to plant and harvest crops.

10. Cafe assistant

National average salary: $58,456 per year

Primary duties: Cafe assistants support the daily activities of cafes by cleaning surfaces, taking coffee orders, preparing bakery items and overseeing customer transactions. Cafe chains in tourist hotspots can offer work abroad opportunities for individuals who want to travel and work at the same time.

How To Ask Why You Didn’t Get the Job (With Sample Emails)


There may be a time in your career when you felt like a job interview went well, yet you didn’t get a job offer. Even if you’re a qualified candidate, there are many reasons why an employer might choose to hire someone else. One thing to remember is that multiple factors go into the decision-making process, many of which aren’t personal.

Common reasons for not getting a job

These are some of the most common reasons candidates may not get a job offer:

You’re better suited for other work

Sometimes an employer sees you as a better fit for a different role but cannot currently give you a job offer. By reflecting on your professional background and skill set, you can begin to apply to jobs that are more relevant to your qualifications. Employers often have a specific candidate in mind, so you may have more of a chance by applying to jobs within your expertise.

Someone was slightly more qualified

Even if you fulfilled all the requirements on the job application, there may have been another candidate with slightly more experience. It’s likely that your interview went well and you’d be a great fit for the role, but someone may have stood out more based on their qualifications. If you’re still interested in a similar role, you can continue to build your resume and apply elsewhere.

You need to prepare more

Although you should try to give natural responses to interview questions, preparing for your responses can help you feel more confident during an interview. If you found it challenging to answer many of the interviewer’s questions, this may show that you need to prepare for your next interview more.

Another part of looking prepared is to appear to be calm and confident. Do this by picking out your interview outfit well in advance, getting enough sleep the night before and showing up a few minutes early.

The employer’s directions were unclear

A miscommunication could have led to you not getting the job. For example, the employer may have given you specific directions that you found challenging to complete or didn’t see. Whenever an employer reaches out to you, make sure to reread what they send.

If you ever have any questions, make sure to politely ask for some clarification. If you’re a qualified candidate, they will be happy to help you follow the directions correctly.

They went with an internal employee

Even after interviewing multiple candidates, an employer may decide to give an existing employee a promotion. Prior to the hiring process, they may have had this employee in mind but still had to post the job publicly.

Hiring internally tends to be a safer bet for employers since they already know the work ethic and personality of their employees. Also, onboarding existing employees tends to be easier since they know the company’s policies and might be familiar with the position already.

You can improve your online presence

After the interview, the employer may have checked your online profiles. That’s why it’s important to set all of your personal social media accounts to private or make sure to have a professional presence. When posting online, only share appropriate photos and links. Likewise, be mindful of what you are commenting on other’s posts.

If the job required you to have a large online following, maybe the employer felt like you needed more follower engagement. Explore the company’s team page on its website to see how current employees present themselves online.

You need to choose better references

When you choose job references, it’s important to pick people who you trust to give you high praise. When choosing a previous employer, think about what they are likely to say about you. Only ask employers to be your reference if you excelled in your role and left the job on good terms. It’s ideal to choose people you have positive relationships with.

The company has budget constraints

The company may not be able to afford your required salary or halted the hiring process altogether due to budget constraints. Hiring new employees may be low on their list, which is why you may not hear back from them in these situations. They may be busy finding new ways to increase their revenue and get the business back to normal.

How to ask why you didn’t get the job

Follow these steps to professionally ask an employer why you didn’t get a job offer:

1. Think about the interview

After learning that you didn’t get the job, start to reflect on how your interview went. Think about the following things:

  • Your responses to the interviewer’s questions

  • How you acted throughout the interview

  • How you connected with the interviewer

  • Areas that you could improve

  • How natural the conversation felt

  • How much you prepared for the interview

Being conscious that you could improve your interview skills is the first step in becoming a more qualified candidate. Try to remember what questions they asked and write them down.

This way, you can prepare your responses for another interview since employers in the same profession typically ask similar interview questions. If you’re already great at interviews, then you may want to work on becoming more qualified for the position.

2. Send a follow-up email

Although it may be challenging to write a professional email after not getting a job offer, it’s an important part of growing in your career. It gives you a chance to continue to maintain a good impression. In the future, this business may have more job opportunities, so it’s good to continue to be polite.

3. Politely ask for feedback

When sending the follow-up email, ask if they would be willing to provide you with some feedback. You can also politely ask why you didn’t get the job. Asking these questions can help you learn what you can improve moving forward.

Cognitive bias may make you believe your interview went perfectly while getting feedback can help you see the situation more realistically. By learning an employer’s honest opinion, you can improve your chances of getting a job offer in the future.

4. Reply to their feedback

After reading through their feedback and giving yourself time to think about it, it’s professional to send them a response. You can take a week to process what they say before replying. In the email, thank them for taking the time to provide you with feedback.

If you want a chance to work for them in the future, make it clear that you will work toward these areas of improvement. Say that you hope to stay in touch and are open to future opportunities.

5. Reflect on what they say

When it’s time to continue your job search, start to apply their feedback. For example, if they said you need better responses, start practicing for your interviews. Research what interview questions employers commonly ask for your role and come up with potential answers. Even doing a mock interview with a family member or friend can boost your confidence. Over time, you can become better at interviews and learn how to showcase your talents.

6. Try applying to another job in the future

Now that you know what to work on, start applying to new jobs. Rather than seeing this as a setback, see it as an opportunity to be a better candidate. Continue to practice your responses and add to your resume as you gain more experience.

Be prepared for the job application process to take some time. Often, you need to apply to a large pool of jobs in order to get a job offer you want to accept.

Example follow-up email

Use this example email as inspiration when asking an employer why you didn’t get the job:

Dear Maria Jones,

Thank you for considering me for the junior graphic design position. I appreciate you taking the time to learn about my background and interest in the role. Although I was eager to have an opportunity for this position, I do appreciate you sharing your decision with me.

Since I can tell that you are quite experienced in the hiring process, I would like to inquire why I did not get the job. I would appreciate some feedback to learn what areas I could work on going forward. Graphic design is my passion, so I want to do what I can to improve my career opportunities in this field.

I am open to discussing this feedback on the phone, although I would also greatly appreciate an email response.

Thank you for your consideration,
Nathan Fieldsman

Example response email

When an employer tells you why you didn’t get the job and offers feedback, use this example email to help you write your response:

Hello Maria,

Thank you for taking the time to give me thoughtful feedback. I have deeply reflected on everything you said, and I look forward to applying this feedback. Interviews aren’t my strongest point, so I will make an effort to prepare my responses and build my confidence.

I truly appreciate you helping me improve as a candidate. If there are any graphic design positions at your agency in the future, I would love to apply.

Thank you again,


Overseas Jobs
Overseas Jobs

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