Zimbabwe News

Zimbabwe’s obsession with Animal Farm

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” – this famous quote from George Orwell’s satirical novel has found such resonance in Zimbabwe that author Petina Gappah has translated Animal Farm into the local Shona language.

A StepbyStep Guide to Fish Farming in Zimbabwe

The Benefits of Fish Farming in Zimbabwe: An Overview

Fish farming in Zimbabwe has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a range of benefits to the country’s economy and its citizens. This article provides an overview of the advantages of fish farming in Zimbabwe.

One of the primary benefits of fish farming in Zimbabwe is its potential to create jobs. The industry has the potential to create thousands of jobs in the country, from fish farmers to those involved in the processing and marketing of the fish. This can help to reduce unemployment and poverty in the country.

Fish farming also has the potential to increase food security in Zimbabwe. Fish is a highly nutritious food source, and fish farming can help to ensure that the country’s population has access to a reliable source of protein. This can help to reduce malnutrition and improve the health of the population.

Fish farming can also help to boost the economy of Zimbabwe. The industry can generate income for the country through the sale of fish and fish products, as well as through the export of fish to other countries. This can help to stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for businesses.

Finally, fish farming can help to protect the environment in Zimbabwe. Fish farming can help to reduce the pressure on wild fish stocks, as well as reduce the amount of pollution in the country’s waterways. This can help to ensure that the country’s natural resources are preserved for future generations.

In conclusion, fish farming in Zimbabwe offers a range of benefits to the country’s economy and its citizens. It can create jobs, increase food security, boost the economy, and protect the environment. For these reasons, fish farming is an important industry in Zimbabwe and should be supported.

Understanding the Basics of Fish Farming in Zimbabwe

Fish farming in Zimbabwe is an important part of the country’s agricultural industry. It is a form of aquaculture, which is the practice of cultivating aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic plants in controlled environments. Fish farming in Zimbabwe is a relatively new industry, but it has grown rapidly in recent years.

Fish farming in Zimbabwe is a complex process that involves a variety of steps. The first step is to select a suitable site for the fish farm. The site should be close to a source of water, such as a river or lake, and should have adequate space for the fish tanks and other equipment. The site should also be free from pollutants and other contaminants.

Once the site has been selected, the next step is to prepare the fish tanks. The tanks should be large enough to accommodate the number of fish that will be raised. The tanks should also be designed to provide the fish with adequate oxygen and other nutrients.

The next step is to stock the tanks with the desired species of fish. The fish should be of the same size and age, and should be healthy. The fish should also be fed a balanced diet to ensure their growth and health.

Once the fish have been stocked, the next step is to monitor the water quality in the tanks. The water should be tested regularly to ensure that it is free from pollutants and other contaminants. The water should also be kept at the correct temperature and pH level.

Finally, the fish should be harvested when they reach the desired size. The harvested fish can then be sold to local markets or exported to other countries.

Fish farming in Zimbabwe is an important part of the country’s agricultural industry. It is a complex process that requires careful planning and management. By understanding the basics of fish farming in Zimbabwe, farmers can ensure that their operations are successful and profitable.

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Fish Farm in Zimbabwe

Before starting a fish farm in Zimbabwe, it is important to understand the local regulations and requirements for setting up and running a successful business. It is also important to understand the local climate and environment, as well as the types of fish that can be farmed in the area.

First, it is important to understand the regulations and requirements for setting up a fish farm in Zimbabwe. This includes obtaining the necessary permits and licenses from the local government, as well as ensuring that the farm meets all environmental and safety standards. Additionally, it is important to understand the local zoning laws and regulations, as well as any restrictions on the size and type of fish that can be farmed.

Second, it is important to understand the local climate and environment. This includes understanding the temperature, rainfall, and other environmental factors that can affect the success of the fish farm. Additionally, it is important to understand the types of fish that can be farmed in the area, as well as the best methods for raising and harvesting them.

Finally, it is important to understand the costs associated with setting up and running a fish farm in Zimbabwe. This includes the cost of the land, the cost of the equipment, and the cost of labor. Additionally, it is important to understand the potential profits that can be made from the fish farm, as well as the potential risks associated with running a business in Zimbabwe.

By understanding the regulations, requirements, climate, environment, and costs associated with setting up and running a fish farm in Zimbabwe, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is successful and profitable.

The Different Types of Fish Farmed in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a country located in the southern part of Africa, and it is home to a wide variety of fish species. Fish farming is an important industry in Zimbabwe, and it provides a significant source of income for many people. There are several different types of fish that are farmed in Zimbabwe, each of which has its own unique characteristics and benefits.

The most common type of fish farmed in Zimbabwe is tilapia. Tilapia is a hardy fish that can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions. It is a fast-growing species, and it is relatively easy to farm. Tilapia is a popular choice for fish farming in Zimbabwe because it is a high-yielding species that can be harvested quickly.

Another type of fish farmed in Zimbabwe is catfish. Catfish are a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions. They are a slow-growing species, but they are highly sought after for their delicious flavor. Catfish are also popular in Zimbabwe because they are relatively easy to farm and can be harvested quickly.

Barramundi is another type of fish farmed in Zimbabwe. Barramundi is a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions. It is a fast-growing species, and it is highly sought after for its delicious flavor. Barramundi is also popular in Zimbabwe because it is relatively easy to farm and can be harvested quickly.

Finally, carp is another type of fish farmed in Zimbabwe. Carp is a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and conditions. It is a slow-growing species, but it is highly sought after for its delicious flavor. Carp is also popular in Zimbabwe because it is relatively easy to farm and can be harvested quickly.

In conclusion, there are several different types of fish farmed in Zimbabwe. Tilapia, catfish, barramundi, and carp are the most common types of fish farmed in Zimbabwe. Each of these species has its own unique characteristics and benefits, making them popular choices for fish farming in Zimbabwe.

How to Set Up a Fish Farm in Zimbabwe: A Step-by-Step Guide


Fish farming is an increasingly popular business venture in Zimbabwe. It is a great way to produce a steady supply of fish for local consumption and export. Setting up a fish farm in Zimbabwe requires careful planning and preparation. This step-by-step guide will provide you with the information you need to get started.

Step 1: Research

Before you begin, it is important to do your research. Learn about the different types of fish that are suitable for farming in Zimbabwe, the best farming methods, and the regulations and permits you will need to comply with.

Step 2: Choose a Location

Choose a suitable location for your fish farm. Consider factors such as access to water, soil quality, and the availability of land.

Step 3: Obtain Permits

Once you have chosen a location, you will need to obtain the necessary permits and licenses from the local government. This will include a business license, a water use permit, and any other permits that may be required.

Step 4: Prepare the Land

Prepare the land for your fish farm. This may involve clearing the land, digging ponds, and installing fencing.

Step 5: Stock the Ponds

Once the land is prepared, you can begin stocking the ponds with fish. Choose the type of fish that is best suited to your location and climate.

Step 6: Monitor and Maintain

Monitor and maintain your fish farm on a regular basis. This includes checking water quality, feeding the fish, and controlling pests and diseases.


Setting up a fish farm in Zimbabwe is a rewarding and profitable venture. With careful planning and preparation, you can create a successful and sustainable business.

The Challenges of Fish Farming in Zimbabwe and How to Overcome Them

Fish farming in Zimbabwe is a challenging endeavor due to a variety of factors. These include the lack of access to resources, the prevalence of disease, and the difficulty of obtaining quality feed. Despite these challenges, there are ways to overcome them and make fish farming a viable business.

One of the biggest challenges of fish farming in Zimbabwe is the lack of access to resources. Many farmers lack the necessary equipment and infrastructure to properly manage their fish farms. This includes tanks, pumps, aerators, and other necessary equipment. Additionally, many farmers lack access to clean water, which is essential for fish farming. Without access to clean water, fish farms can quickly become contaminated with disease and parasites.

Another challenge of fish farming in Zimbabwe is the prevalence of disease. Fish are susceptible to a variety of diseases, including bacterial and viral infections. These diseases can spread quickly and cause significant losses for farmers. Additionally, the lack of access to quality feed can make it difficult for farmers to provide their fish with the nutrition they need to stay healthy.

Despite these challenges, there are ways to overcome them and make fish farming a viable business. One way is to invest in quality equipment and infrastructure. This includes tanks, pumps, aerators, and other necessary equipment. Additionally, farmers should invest in quality feed and ensure that their water sources are clean and free of contaminants.

Finally, farmers should take steps to prevent the spread of disease. This includes regularly testing the water for contaminants and treating any fish that show signs of illness. Additionally, farmers should practice good hygiene and regularly clean and disinfect their tanks and equipment.

By taking these steps, farmers can overcome the challenges of fish farming in Zimbabwe and make it a viable business. With the right resources and management, fish farming can be a profitable and sustainable endeavor.



“There is something about the story that spoke so much to the reality of Zimbabwe,”


the award-winning Zimbabwean writer and lawyer told the News365 UK about the book first published in 1945.

It has long been a favourite in Zimbabwe in English – studied in some schools – and became a huge hit when it was serialised in a local newspaper around two decades ago, with readers blown away by its astute metaphor of a liberation struggle gone wrong.

It is something Gappah and fellow translator, poet Tinashe Muchuri, decided to focus on with their slight twist of the title in Shona, opting for Chimurenga Chemhuka, meaning “Animal Revolution”.

The word chimurenga is a reference to the liberation war fought during white-minority rule that led to Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, bringing to power Robert Mugabe, who went on to lead the country for 37 years until he was overthrown in a coup.

Through the Shona translation, Gappah said they had been able to bring added depth, meaning and humour for readers as their characters use the different Shona dialects spoken around Zimbabwe.

“In the 1960s the language was standardised throughout the entire country,”.

“So I’d be learning standard Shona at school but at home I’d be speaking Karanga because my family is Karanga.

“What we thought we’d do with the book is have the narration in standard Shona but the animals all speak different dialects – almost as though they’re coming from all the four corners of Zimbabwe.”

It allows the story to reflect the power struggles that have played out within the ruling Zanu-PF party, as Zimbabweans know that current President Emmerson Mnangagwa is Karanga, while Mugabe, his long-time ally turned rival, was from the Zezuru clan.

The story is about farm animals rising up against their human owner to create a new and equal society, said to be an allegory of what happened under Communism in the Soviet Union.

When journalist and editor Geoffrey Nyarota took the decision to serialise Animal Farm in 2000 in the Daily News, once Zimbabwe’s best-selling paper, he said many took Napoleon, the pig who gains power through intimidation and manipulation, to be Mugabe.

“Animal Farm is a microcosm of political developments in post-independence Zimbabwe,” Nyarota told the News365 UK World Service in 2003, a few months before the Daily News was banned by the authorities and he was forced to go into exile for several years.

In the Zimbabwean context, Mr Jones, the former owner of the farm, represented colonialism while the vicious dogs who Napoleon secretly trains to later gain power, were Zanu-PF’s youth militia, he said.

“The youth brigade… are removed from their families and put through courses of political indoctrination in some camps far out in the rural areas and then they are unleashed on an unsuspecting innocent public and they have caused much damage.”

Voter intimidation and violence have marred several Zimbabwean elections – with the country gearing up for another poll in August and a renewed crackdown on opposition figures and government critics.

The sheep – continually bleating the pigs’ propaganda slogans – Nyarota likened to Zanu-PF’s women’s league “whose existence seems to be for the sole purpose of singing praise songs of… the ruling party”.

The pigs in Animal Farm start to act more and more like humans – living it up in the old farmer’s house, while the rest of the animals toil away, often cold, hungry and over-worked.

Even with changing political events and the death of Mugabe in 2019, the parallels are ones that Zimbabweans still recognise as inflation soars once more and electricity is scarce, making life a daily struggle.

The book has continued to inspire Nyarota, who penned his first novel last year, which he dubbed “truthful fiction” looking at “endemic corruption”.

“Orwell was able to look into the future, as it were, and was able to forecast the future of our independent nations. Orwell’s future is the present that I now graphically seek to capture in The Honourable Minister,” he told the News365 UK website.

But for Gappah, the Shona translation is less about political comment or resistance and more about making mischief and her love of languages.

Her project began by chance in 2015 when she started to translate snippets of English literature into Shona to entertain her Facebook friends.

“Then I thought to myself: ‘Why don’t I try a larger project?’ So I did the first page of Animal Farm and I invited friends on Facebook, writers and other people interested in language, to join me and it just ballooned from there.”

It grew to such an extent that at one time around 20 people were involved “and it became really messy”, she said.

It was whittled down to a core group and then eventually retranslated, overhauled and edited by Gappah and Muchiri.

“But I’ll be grateful for that initial first group,” Gappah said.

Their translating partnership with House of Books, a small Zimbabwean publisher, is set to continue with Things Fall Apart by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe – a seminal work that deals with the impact of colonialism in Africa – next on their list.

“And at some point we’re going to tackle Shakespeare, because Julius Caesar, for example, is a very Zimbabwean story,” said Gappah.

The play, first performed in 1599, is about a group of conspirators who decide to assassinate a general, saying it is for the good of the state to prevent him from becoming a tyrant.

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