
Prince Harry remembers pain of bereavement

The Duke of Sussex has had an emotional conversation about bereavement and grieving, with a charity founder who helps military families facing the loss of a loved one.

“You convince yourself that the person you’ve lost wants you, or you need, to be sad for as long as possible, to prove to them that they’re missed,” Prince Harry, whose mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, died when he was 12, said. But then there’s this realisation [that} no they must want me to be happy.

In a video released by the charity, Scotty’s Little Soldiers founder Nikki Scott, from Norfolk, tells the prince of the moment in 2009 she broke the news to her son that her husband had been killed in Afghanistan. “It shattered his world. It was the worst,” she says. “How do you tell a five-year-old this.

Prince Harry

Prince Harry, an ambassador for the charity who has helped at its children’s events, even dressing up as Father Christmas, then describes how difficult talking about feelings of loss can be.

“That’s the hardest thing, especially for kids, which is, ‘I don’t want to talk about it because it will make me sad,’” he says.

“But once realising that if I do talk about it, and I’m celebrating their life, then actually, things become easier, as opposed to this, ‘I am just not going to talk about it and that’s best form of coping,’ when in fact it’s not.” said the prince. If you suppress this for too long, you cannot suppress it for ever, it is not sustainable and it will eat away at you inside.

Source: BBC

In other news – Sir Ed Davey calls for gambling law review after election bet row

Sir Ed Davey has called for a review of betting laws, following revelations that parliamentary candidates are being investigated by the for alleged bets on the election.

Sir Ed Davey

The Liberal Democrat leader said he had previously bet on the outcome of elections but drew a distinction between what he described as “having a flutter” and having inside knowledge before placing bets. Read more

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